\n Whether it is a mold that requires high mold temperature molding\n or extremely tight tolerance molding.\n \n KENTA can provide solutions to meet all your needs for\n precision plastic molds. Our capabilities include (not limited\n to fast and small molds with low product demand, or\n large-scale multi-cavity molds with high demand, and large\n composite molds such as stack molds, such as engineering test\n mold design, 3D printing, high mold temperature molding molds,\n and extremely tight tolerances. Molding molds, overmolding\n molds and insert molds, DFM, DOE, etc.\n
\n\n 無論是需求高模溫成型還是極嚴公差成型的模具。\n \n 健大都能提供滿足您所有精密塑膠模具所需求的解決方案。我們的能力包括(不限於產品需求量低的快速小型模具或者需求量大的多穴數以至疊模等大型複合模具,如工程試驗模具設計,3D打印,高模溫成型模具,需求極嚴公差成型模具,包膠模和嵌件模等模具,DFM,DOE)等\n
\n\n Every year, Kenta produces more than 10,000,000 plastic\n injection molding cores, and provides secondary processing to\n those as required.\n \n we always have numerus live production examples, such as\n insertion of pins in quick release terminal blocks, or pin\n insertion to allow bobbins to be fixed post winding. Kenta has\n now become the market leader in China for the production of\n these specialist items.\n \n
\n\n 每年健大都會生產超過千萬件塑膠注塑膠芯,並提供二次加工,例如組裝端子和插針。\n \n 完成塑膠膠芯的注塑之後,我們可以插入多類型的快速接線端子,也可以從多種不同尺寸的PIN針中進行選擇,以便BOBBIN在繞線操作之後進行固定,目前已成為中國市場塑膠產品後插針領導者之一。\n \n
\n\n Kenta owns and self maintains to the highest standards, more\n than 300 injection molding machines,\n \n all from tier 1 global manufacturers (e.g. Sumitomo & Fanuc);\n Kenta has machines sizes ranging from 30 to 300 ton guage,\n which allows us to produce components across a wide range of\n conditions and materials. We have an extensive history of\n injection molding high-performance engineered thermoplastics\n resins (PEEK, PEI, PPS, LCP etc.), and partnering with\n industry leading material suppliers to satisfy our customers\n needs.\n \n
\n\n 健大擁有超過400台注塑機,機台大小規格由30噸到350噸不等。\n \n 精密結構件的生產是我們眾多優勢之一,我們擁有註塑高性能工程熱塑性樹脂(PEEK,PEI,PPS,LCP等)的悠久歷史,並與行業領先的材料供應商合作滿足客戶需求\n \n
\n\n Founded in 1985 in Hong Kong, KENTA has now grown into a\n multi-national corporation specializing in the R&D, tooling\n fabrication, and production of components in precision injection\n molding.\n
\n\n 健大企業有限公司專業從事精密塑膠注塑産品的開發和製造,一九八五年於香港成立,下設東莞工廠和昆山工廠。公司在1998年到2005年期間先後通過了UL、ISO9001、ISO14001和TS16949認證,在2007年通過大眾、寶馬的二級供應商認證。\n
\n\n With multiple manufacturing sites in Mainland China, Kenta has\n achieved internationally recognized standards approvals, such as\n UL, ISO9001, ISO14001and IATF16949, as well as being fully\n certified as second tier supplier for global automotive\n corporations such as VW and BMW among many Kenta's philosophy is\n to provide precise, accurate and repeatable plastic injection\n products, through taking our customers through the entire product\n lifecycle; our focus on producing only the highest quality\n outcomes, enables our global customers to have the highest\n confidence in our ability to deliver.\n
\n\n 公司以「開拓創新、追求卓越、系統管理、客戶滿意」為經營理念,秉承「以人為本、團隊合作、社會責任、環保理念」的企業文化,精心打造創新型管理團隊和技術團隊,不斷引進高端技術和高精密設備,持續提升企業綜合實力,成長爲一家集「産品研發、模具設計與製造、精密注塑成型、汽配零部件製造」爲一體的高科技企業,業務遍及全世界。\n
\n\n If you have any enquiries, you can contact customer service via\n
\n email to learn about the company’s products and services and\n
\n request a quotation\n
\n 如有任何查詢,可透過電郵聯絡客服
\n 以了解公司的產品及服務索取報價\n
\n Whether it is a mold that requires high mold temperature molding or\n extremely tight tolerance molding.\n \n KENTA can provide solutions to meet all your needs for precision\n plastic molds. Our capabilities include (not limited to fast and\n small molds with low product demand, or large-scale multi-cavity\n molds with high demand, and large composite molds such as stack\n molds, such as engineering test mold design, 3D printing, high\n mold temperature molding molds, and extremely tight tolerances.\n Molding molds, overmolding molds and insert molds, DFM, DOE,\n etc.\n
\n\n 無論是需求高模溫成型還是極嚴公差成型的模具。\n \n 健大都能提供滿足您所有精密塑膠模具所需求的解決方案。我們的能力包括(不限於產品需求量低的快速小型模具或者需求量大的多穴數以至疊模等大型複合模具,如工程試驗模具設計,3D打印,高模溫成型模具,需求極嚴公差成型模具,包膠模和嵌件模等模具,DFM,DOE)等\n
\n\n Every year, Kenta produces more than 10,000,000 plastic injection\n molding cores, and provides secondary processing to those as\n required.\n \n we always have numerus live production examples, such as insertion\n of pins in quick release terminal blocks, or pin insertion to\n allow bobbins to be fixed post winding. Kenta has now become the\n market leader in China for the production of these specialist\n items.\n \n
\n\n 每年健大都會生產超過千萬件塑膠注塑膠芯,並提供二次加工,例如組裝端子和插針。\n \n 完成塑膠膠芯的注塑之後,我們可以插入多類型的快速接線端子,也可以從多種不同尺寸的PIN針中進行選擇,以便BOBBIN在繞線操作之後進行固定,目前已成為中國市場塑膠產品後插針領導者之一。\n \n
\n\n Kenta owns and self maintains to the highest standards, more than\n 300 injection molding machines,\n \n all from tier 1 global manufacturers (e.g. Sumitomo & Fanuc);\n Kenta has machines sizes ranging from 30 to 300 ton guage, which\n allows us to produce components across a wide range of conditions\n and materials. We have an extensive history of injection molding\n high-performance engineered thermoplastics resins (PEEK, PEI, PPS,\n LCP etc.), and partnering with industry leading material suppliers\n to satisfy our customers needs.\n \n
\n\n 健大擁有超過400台注塑機,機台大小規格由30噸到350噸不等。\n \n 精密結構件的生產是我們眾多優勢之一,我們擁有註塑高性能工程熱塑性樹脂(PEEK,PEI,PPS,LCP等)的悠久歷史,並與行業領先的材料供應商合作滿足客戶需求\n \n
\n\n Founded in 1985 in Hong Kong, KENTA has now grown into a\n multi-national corporation specializing in the R&D, tooling\n fabrication, and production of components in precision injection\n molding.\n
\n\n 健大企業有限公司專業從事精密塑膠注塑産品的開發和製造,一九八五年於香港成立,下設東莞工廠和昆山工廠。公司在1998年到2005年期間先後通過了UL、ISO9001、ISO14001和TS16949認證,在2007年通過大眾、寶馬的二級供應商認證。\n
\n\n With multiple manufacturing sites in Mainland China, Kenta has\n achieved internationally recognized standards approvals, such as UL,\n ISO9001, ISO14001and IATF16949, as well as being fully certified as\n second tier supplier for global automotive corporations such as VW\n and BMW among many Kenta's philosophy is to provide precise,\n accurate and repeatable plastic injection products, through taking\n our customers through the entire product lifecycle; our focus on\n producing only the highest quality outcomes, enables our global\n customers to have the highest confidence in our ability to deliver.\n
\n\n 公司以「開拓創新、追求卓越、系統管理、客戶滿意」為經營理念,秉承「以人為本、團隊合作、社會責任、環保理念」的企業文化,精心打造創新型管理團隊和技術團隊,不斷引進高端技術和高精密設備,持續提升企業綜合實力,成長爲一家集「産品研發、模具設計與製造、精密注塑成型、汽配零部件製造」爲一體的高科技企業,業務遍及全世界。\n
\n\n If you have any enquiries, you can contact customer service via\n
\n email to learn about the company’s products and services and\n
\n request a quotation\n
\n 如有任何查詢,可透過電郵聯絡客服
\n 以了解公司的產品及服務索取報價\n