\r\n Kenta is primarily focused on quality, no matter what the service is,\r\n we undertake our
\r\n operations to international standards and acoreditation.\r\n
\r\n 健大企業十分重視質量,不論是服務上,產品上或是運作上。為了確保我們所提供的質量達致國際標準及讓我們客戶得到最好的服務,健大企業於過去獲得不同的國際認證。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta is primarily focused on quality, no matter what the service is,\r\n we undertake our
\r\n operations to international standards and acoreditation.\r\n
\r\n 健大企業十分重視質量,不論是服務上,產品上或是運作上。為了確保我們所提供的質量達致國際標準及讓我們客戶得到最好的服務,健大企業於過去獲得不同的國際認證。\r\n
\r\n\r\n With more than a decade experience in automotive field, Kenta\r\n offers a total solution, lifecycle approach, to ensure time,\r\n stability, quality and cost effective solutions for the\r\n automotive industry, some examples of past success are, control\r\n module, ignition core, water/oil pumps and many other precision\r\n parts, as well as integration to a wide range of mechanical\r\n micro parts for high functionality even in the most precise\r\n devices.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 憑藉在汽車領域的二十多年經驗,健大為汽配部件客戶提供了全面的解決方案,確保質量穩定及具有成本效益--由較大形的一系列性項目:方向盤,點火線圈以及水/油泵等精密部件,到高效能的微注塑件等等都能為客戶提供最優設計及生產。\r\n 健大是世界上多間知名OEM和一級汽車供應商的主要生產供應商。各項完備的資源及基礎設施讓我們可以專注於汽車市場的重要要求-零缺陷要求,從而降低整體成本。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta has been a key supplier to some of the most well known\r\n automotive OEMs and tier 1 suppliers in the world. Kenta’s\r\n infrastructure of complete resources allows our clients to focus\r\n on what’s most important to the automotive market, zero defects,\r\n and lowering overall costs Total solutions included advisory\r\n services, including material selection and construction, DFM to\r\n simulate imperfections and failures, pilot development including\r\n prototypes tooling or 3D printing samples, mold trials involving\r\n scientific DOE to find ideal parameters and last but not least\r\n measurement protocols according to technical specifications.\r\n Kenta is a specialist for standard and non-standard types of\r\n injection molding including Precision injection molding, over\r\n molding, insert molding, multi-component injection molding and\r\n micro-technology. Kenta is also familiar with high temperature\r\n and glass filled fiber resin characteristics.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 總體解決方案包括諮詢服務---材料和工序選擇、DFM模擬缺陷、試驗性開發---包括工程軟模具或3D打印樣品、運用科學注塑試模DOE找出的各項最佳參數及以跟據技術規格建議的測量方法。\r\n 健大是標準和非標準注塑的專家,包括精密注塑,包胶注塑,嵌件模具,多部件注塑和微型技術。同時,健大對高溫處理及玻璃纖維樹脂的特點也十分熟悉。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta has experience with producing different medical parts like\r\n scalpels, surgical knives and disposable testing devices. Kenta\r\n manufactures and assembles according to the high standards for\r\n this sector. The results are products of the highest quality\r\n according Installation Qualification DQ,IQ,OQ and PQ.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta closely works with customers and their medical products\r\n from conceptual designs, tool design , product engineering\r\n through to prototyping, automatic production as well as\r\n assembly. Kenta has refined its capabilities to successfully\r\n support our customers’ projects that demand a wide range of\r\n value-added services, strong process controls, and the ability\r\n to meet strict regulatory requirements. Collaboration with our\r\n customers in all phases of a product life cycle (DFMEA, PFMEA,\r\n Control Plan and PPAP are fully used in our product development\r\n stage) results in the highest value solutions that reduce time\r\n to market, manage risk and control costs.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 健大生產不同醫療塑膠部件如解剖刀,手術刀或一次性檢測裝置,依據該行業的高標準生產和組裝產品,並根據安裝認證DQ,IQ,OQ和PQ製造最高質量的產品。\r\n 健大與客戶有緊密合作,從概念設計、工具設計、產品工程、原型設計、自動生產以及組裝。健大完善的技術,成功地支持客戶的項目開發。這些項目需要廣泛的增值服務,強大的流程控制以及符合嚴格法規的要求。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 健大與客戶有緊密合作,從概念設計、工具設計、產品工程、原型設計、自動生產以及組裝。\r\n 健大完善的技術,成功地支持客戶的項目開發。這些項目需要廣泛的增值服務,強大的流程控制以及符合嚴格法規的要求。我們在產品生命週期(DFMEA,PFMEA,控制計劃和PPAP皆用於我們的產品開發階段)的各個階段與客戶進行協作,從而達致最高價值醫療部件的一條龍解決方案,縮短上市時間,減低管理風險和控制成本。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta specialized in pin insertion,insert molding and\r\n overmolding processes which is often involved in the production\r\n of electrical and telecom parts including bobbin, connector,\r\n housing, pin header, toroid base, socket, adaptor, antenna etc.\r\n Kenta has been a prime supplier to the electronic and precision\r\n electrical connector/telecom industries. We have produced a wide\r\n variety of connectors and related plastics parts with extremely\r\n tight tolerances for many of the largest electronics companies\r\n in the world. Kenta is a market leader in this area.\r\n
\r\n\r\n ● Pin insertion: with over 30 years of pin insertion experience,\r\n together with our specialist pin insertion workshops equipped\r\n with over 60 machines, Kenta is one of the biggest pin insertion\r\n plastics part manufacturer in China.
\r\n ● Insert Molding: Our capabilities include the ability to mold\r\n in place various inserts, pins, screws, and other items to help\r\n eliminate secondary operations.
\r\n ● Overmolding: This process is done by utilizing different\r\n colors, materials and molded over existing components. Our\r\n electrical and telecom parts are widely used in all types of\r\n applications spanning different markets; automotive, medical,\r\n power switches, security, electronics and more.\r\n
\r\n Kenta專門從事插針(pin insertion)、包胶(insert\r\n molding)和嵌件(overmolding)注塑工藝,善於生產電子和網絡電訊零部件,包括線軸,連接器,外殼,排针,環形底座,插座,適配器,天線等。健大一直是精密電子連接器/電訊業的龍頭公司的主要供應商。我們對公差有非常嚴格的要求,\r\n 為世界多間大型的電子公司生產了各種各樣的連接器和相關塑膠零部件。\r\n
\r\n\r\n ●\r\n 插針:具有超過30年的插針經驗,以及配有60台插針機器,健大是中國最具規模的插針塑膠零部件製造商之一。
\r\n ● 包胶注塑(insert molding):我們能於模上嵌入不同的物件,如:針,\r\n 螺釘或其他物品,從而減省工序。
\r\n ●\r\n 嵌件注塑(overmolding):是指通過使用不同的顏色,材料和現有組件重叠注塑。我們的廣泛應用於跨越行業的市場:汽車,醫療,電源開關,保安系統及電子等。\r\n
\r\n Kenta has a long history of providing precision injection\r\n molding solutions to the Industrial market. With the advancement\r\n in thermoplastic resin materials, more metal components utilized\r\n in the industrial markets are being converted to plastic parts.\r\n Weight reductions, cost savings and improved lead-times are\r\n added benefits when switching from metal to plastic parts.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta understand customers in the Industrial market often face\r\n demanding applications for their products. Whether they have\r\n extreme operating temperatures, harsh chemicals or high impact\r\n applications, Industrial customers need a molder who is an\r\n expert in processing engineered thermoplastics. Kenta provides\r\n product design assistance for these challenging plastic\r\n injection molding parts.\r\n
\r\n 健大在工業市場提供精密注塑解決方案方面已有悠久的歷史。隨著熱塑性樹脂材料的進步,在工業市場中,大量的金屬部件正快速向輕量化並轉用塑膠零部件代替。從金屬零部件切換為塑膠零部件時,可達致減輕重量,節省成本和提高交貨期等好處。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 健大了解工業市場的客戶往往面臨著他們的產品於苛刻惡劣的環境應用,如:高溫下,化學品下,或是高衝擊下應用,以致工業市場的客戶需要一位在熱塑性塑料加工的專家。\r\n 健大能為這些具有挑戰性的注塑件提供產品設計及協作。\r\n
\r\n At Kenta, we specialize in custom thermoset molding through\r\n compression and transfer molding processes. The combination of\r\n these materials and our thermoset molding processes allows us to\r\n manufacture components that are heat resistant, corrosion\r\n resistant, have low outgassing, can be formed into a variety of\r\n shapes and sizes, and have high strength characteristics.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta擁有30多年的電木注塑經驗--從設計、模具製造到生產,以工程和商品級樹脂原料生產出數百萬億個熱固性(電木)零件。具有耐熱性,耐腐蝕性,低放氣性的熱固性電木料可以形成各種形狀和尺寸,並且具有高強度特性,對於高機械強度、高溫度使用範圍和獨特的介電性能有著理想的應用\r\n
\r\n\r\n Materials that will come into direct contact with food must be\r\n durable, non-reactive, and inert. For consumer safety, it is\r\n vital that these plastics must be able to withstand factors such\r\n as chemical exposure, extreme temperatures, and UV radiation\r\n without breaking down. To be considered food-grade, plastic\r\n injection molding materials must adhere to strict regulations.\r\n Choosing the appropriate material for your food or beverage\r\n application helps ensure customer safety and satisfaction. At\r\n Kenta, our fully automated facility enables us to efficiently\r\n produce high-volume runs without sacrificing quality.\r\n
\r\n\r\n We are often chosen by top food and beverage providers to\r\n manufacture food-grade plastic injection molded parts. We’ve\r\n done work on food packaging and processing applications, such\r\n has processing equipment components, and conveyor system\r\n components.\r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\n 與食物直接接觸的材料必須是耐用的,無反應性的和惰性的了消費者安全,至關重要的是這些塑料必須能夠承受諸如化露,極端溫度和紫外線輻射等因素而不會分解。被認為是塑料注模材料必須遵守嚴格的規定。為您的食品或飲料應合適的材料有助於確保客戶的安全和滿意度。在健大,自動設備使我們能夠在不犧牲質量的情況下有效地進行大批產。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 頂級食品和飲料供應商經常選擇我們來製造食品級塑料注射成型零件。\r\n 我們已經完成了食品包裝和加工應用的工作,例如加工設備組件和輸送機系統組件。\r\n
\r\n\r\n With more than a decade experience in automotive field, Kenta\r\n offers a total solution, lifecycle approach, to ensure time,\r\n stability, quality and cost effective solutions for the\r\n automotive industry, some examples of past success are, control\r\n module, ignition core, water/oil pumps and many other precision\r\n parts, as well as integration to a wide range of mechanical\r\n micro parts for high functionality even in the most precise\r\n devices.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 憑藉在汽車領域的二十多年經驗,健大為汽配部件客戶提供了全面的解決方案,確保質量穩定及具有成本效益--由較大形的一系列性項目:方向盤,點火線圈以及水/油泵等精密部件,到高效能的微注塑件等等都能為客戶提供最優設計及生產。\r\n 健大是世界上多間知名OEM和一級汽車供應商的主要生產供應商。各項完備的資源及基礎設施讓我們可以專注於汽車市場的重要要求-零缺陷要求,從而降低整體成本。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta has been a key supplier to some of the most well known\r\n automotive OEMs and tier 1 suppliers in the world. Kenta’s\r\n infrastructure of complete resources allows our clients to focus\r\n on what’s most important to the automotive market, zero defects,\r\n and lowering overall costs Total solutions included advisory\r\n services, including material selection and construction, DFM to\r\n simulate imperfections and failures, pilot development including\r\n prototypes tooling or 3D printing samples, mold trials involving\r\n scientific DOE to find ideal parameters and last but not least\r\n measurement protocols according to technical specifications.\r\n Kenta is a specialist for standard and non-standard types of\r\n injection molding including Precision injection molding, over\r\n molding, insert molding, multi-component injection molding and\r\n micro-technology. Kenta is also familiar with high temperature\r\n and glass filled fiber resin characteristics.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 總體解決方案包括諮詢服務---材料和工序選擇、DFM模擬缺陷、試驗性開發---包括工程軟模具或3D打印樣品、運用科學注塑試模DOE找出的各項最佳參數及以跟據技術規格建議的測量方法。\r\n 健大是標準和非標準注塑的專家,包括精密注塑,包胶注塑,嵌件模具,多部件注塑和微型技術。同時,健大對高溫處理及玻璃纖維樹脂的特點也十分熟悉。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta has experience with producing different medical parts like\r\n scalpels, surgical knives and disposable testing devices. Kenta\r\n manufactures and assembles according to the high standards for\r\n this sector. The results are products of the highest quality\r\n according Installation Qualification DQ,IQ,OQ and PQ.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta closely works with customers and their medical products\r\n from conceptual designs, tool design , product engineering\r\n through to prototyping, automatic production as well as\r\n assembly. Kenta has refined its capabilities to successfully\r\n support our customers’ projects that demand a wide range of\r\n value-added services, strong process controls, and the ability\r\n to meet strict regulatory requirements. Collaboration with our\r\n customers in all phases of a product life cycle (DFMEA, PFMEA,\r\n Control Plan and PPAP are fully used in our product development\r\n stage) results in the highest value solutions that reduce time\r\n to market, manage risk and control costs.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 健大生產不同醫療塑膠部件如解剖刀,手術刀或一次性檢測裝置,依據該行業的高標準生產和組裝產品,並根據安裝認證DQ,IQ,OQ和PQ製造最高質量的產品。\r\n 健大與客戶有緊密合作,從概念設計、工具設計、產品工程、原型設計、自動生產以及組裝。健大完善的技術,成功地支持客戶的項目開發。這些項目需要廣泛的增值服務,強大的流程控制以及符合嚴格法規的要求。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 健大與客戶有緊密合作,從概念設計、工具設計、產品工程、原型設計、自動生產以及組裝。\r\n 健大完善的技術,成功地支持客戶的項目開發。這些項目需要廣泛的增值服務,強大的流程控制以及符合嚴格法規的要求。我們在產品生命週期(DFMEA,PFMEA,控制計劃和PPAP皆用於我們的產品開發階段)的各個階段與客戶進行協作,從而達致最高價值醫療部件的一條龍解決方案,縮短上市時間,減低管理風險和控制成本。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta specialized in pin insertion,insert molding and\r\n overmolding processes which is often involved in the production\r\n of electrical and telecom parts including bobbin, connector,\r\n housing, pin header, toroid base, socket, adaptor, antenna etc.\r\n Kenta has been a prime supplier to the electronic and precision\r\n electrical connector/telecom industries. We have produced a wide\r\n variety of connectors and related plastics parts with extremely\r\n tight tolerances for many of the largest electronics companies\r\n in the world. Kenta is a market leader in this area.\r\n
\r\n\r\n ● Pin insertion: with over 30 years of pin insertion experience,\r\n together with our specialist pin insertion workshops equipped\r\n with over 60 machines, Kenta is one of the biggest pin insertion\r\n plastics part manufacturer in China.
\r\n ● Insert Molding: Our capabilities include the ability to mold\r\n in place various inserts, pins, screws, and other items to help\r\n eliminate secondary operations.
\r\n ● Overmolding: This process is done by utilizing different\r\n colors, materials and molded over existing components. Our\r\n electrical and telecom parts are widely used in all types of\r\n applications spanning different markets; automotive, medical,\r\n power switches, security, electronics and more.\r\n
\r\n Kenta專門從事插針(pin insertion)、包胶(insert\r\n molding)和嵌件(overmolding)注塑工藝,善於生產電子和網絡電訊零部件,包括線軸,連接器,外殼,排针,環形底座,插座,適配器,天線等。健大一直是精密電子連接器/電訊業的龍頭公司的主要供應商。我們對公差有非常嚴格的要求,\r\n 為世界多間大型的電子公司生產了各種各樣的連接器和相關塑膠零部件。\r\n
\r\n\r\n ●\r\n 插針:具有超過30年的插針經驗,以及配有60台插針機器,健大是中國最具規模的插針塑膠零部件製造商之一。
\r\n ● 包胶注塑(insert molding):我們能於模上嵌入不同的物件,如:針,\r\n 螺釘或其他物品,從而減省工序。
\r\n ●\r\n 嵌件注塑(overmolding):是指通過使用不同的顏色,材料和現有組件重叠注塑。我們的廣泛應用於跨越行業的市場:汽車,醫療,電源開關,保安系統及電子等。\r\n
\r\n Kenta has a long history of providing precision injection\r\n molding solutions to the Industrial market. With the advancement\r\n in thermoplastic resin materials, more metal components utilized\r\n in the industrial markets are being converted to plastic parts.\r\n Weight reductions, cost savings and improved lead-times are\r\n added benefits when switching from metal to plastic parts.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta understand customers in the Industrial market often face\r\n demanding applications for their products. Whether they have\r\n extreme operating temperatures, harsh chemicals or high impact\r\n applications, Industrial customers need a molder who is an\r\n expert in processing engineered thermoplastics. Kenta provides\r\n product design assistance for these challenging plastic\r\n injection molding parts.\r\n
\r\n 健大在工業市場提供精密注塑解決方案方面已有悠久的歷史。隨著熱塑性樹脂材料的進步,在工業市場中,大量的金屬部件正快速向輕量化並轉用塑膠零部件代替。從金屬零部件切換為塑膠零部件時,可達致減輕重量,節省成本和提高交貨期等好處。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 健大了解工業市場的客戶往往面臨著他們的產品於苛刻惡劣的環境應用,如:高溫下,化學品下,或是高衝擊下應用,以致工業市場的客戶需要一位在熱塑性塑料加工的專家。\r\n 健大能為這些具有挑戰性的注塑件提供產品設計及協作。\r\n
\r\n At Kenta, we specialize in custom thermoset molding through\r\n compression and transfer molding processes. The combination of\r\n these materials and our thermoset molding processes allows us to\r\n manufacture components that are heat resistant, corrosion\r\n resistant, have low outgassing, can be formed into a variety of\r\n shapes and sizes, and have high strength characteristics.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Kenta擁有30多年的電木注塑經驗--從設計、模具製造到生產,以工程和商品級樹脂原料生產出數百萬億個熱固性(電木)零件。具有耐熱性,耐腐蝕性,低放氣性的熱固性電木料可以形成各種形狀和尺寸,並且具有高強度特性,對於高機械強度、高溫度使用範圍和獨特的介電性能有著理想的應用\r\n
\r\n\r\n Materials that will come into direct contact with food must\r\n
\r\n be durable, non-reactive, and inert. For consumer safety, it\r\n
\r\n is vital that these plastics must be able to withstand factors\r\n such as chemical exposure, extreme temperatures, and UV\r\n radiation without breaking down. To be considered food-grade,\r\n plastic injection molding materials must adhere to strict\r\n regulations. Choosing the appropriate material for your food or\r\n beverage application helps ensure customer safety and\r\n satisfaction. At Kenta, our fully automated facility enables us\r\n to efficiently produce high-volume runs without sacrificing\r\n quality.\r\n
\r\n We are often chosen by top food and beverage providers to\r\n manufacture food-grade plastic injection molded parts. We’ve\r\n done work on food packaging and processing applications, such\r\n has processing equipment components, and conveyor system\r\n components.\r\n
\r\n\r\n\r\n 與食物直接接觸的材料必須是耐用的,無反應性的和惰性的了消費者安全,至關重要的是這些塑料必須能夠承受諸如化露,極端溫度和紫外線輻射等因素而不會分解。被認為是塑料注模材料必須遵守嚴格的規定。為您的食品或飲料應合適的材料有助於確保客戶的安全和滿意度。在健大,自動設備使我們能夠在不犧牲質量的情況下有效地進行大批產。\r\n
\r\n\r\n 頂級食品和飲料供應商經常選擇我們來製造食品級塑料注射成型零件。\r\n 我們已經完成了食品包裝和加工應用的工作,例如加工設備組件和輸送機系統組件。\r\n
\r\nMold manufacturing
\r\nPlastic injection molding
\r\nClean room
\r\nMold manufacturing
\r\nPlastic injection molding
\r\nClean room
\r\n\r\n lf you have any enquiries, you can contact customer service via email\r\n to learn about the company's products and services and request a\r\n quotation\r\n
\r\n\r\n 如有任何查詢,可通過電郵聯絡客服,以了解公司的產品及服務索取報價\r\n
\r\n\r\n Flat B&C,11/F Winner Factory Building,55 Hung to Road, Kwun Tong\r\n Kowloon, Hong Kong\r\n
\r\n(852)2343 3650
\r\n(852)2341 1597
\r\n(852)2344 7465
\r\n\r\n 香港九龍官塘鴻圖道55號
\r\n 幸運工業大廈11樓B&C室\r\n
\r\n+852 2343 3650
\r\n+852 2341 1597
\r\n+852 2344 7465
\r\n\r\n He Xi District,Jin Xia,Cheung On,Dongguan City,Guangdong China\r\n
\r\n(+86 0769)8553 3429
\r\n(+86 0769)8531 7199
\r\n(+86 0769)8553 6899
\r\n(+86 0769)8553 6999
\r\n\r\n 中國廣東省東莞市
\r\n 長安鎮 錦廈河西工業區\r\n
\r\n+86 0769 8553 3429
\r\n+86 0769 8531 7199
\r\n+86 0769 8553 6899
\r\n+86 0769 8553 6999
\r\n888 Xinmao Road, zhoushi Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu China
\r\n(+86 0512) 5788 9999
\r\n(+86 0512) 5788 9889
\r\n\r\n lf you have any enquiries, you can contact customer service via email\r\n to learn about the company's products and services and request a\r\n quotation\r\n
\r\n\r\n 如有任何查詢,可通過電郵聯絡客服,以了解公司的產品及服務索取報價\r\n
\r\nFlat B&C,11/F Winner Factory
\r\n55 Hung to Road, Kwun Tong
\r\nKowloon, Hong Kong
\r\n(852)2343 3650
\r\n(852)2341 1597
\r\n(852)2344 7465
\r\n\r\n 香港九龍官塘鴻圖道55號
\r\n 幸運工業大廈11樓B&C室\r\n
\r\n+852 2343 3650
\r\n+852 2341 1597
\r\n+852 2344 7465
\r\nHe Xi District,Jin Xia,
\r\nCheung On,
\r\nDongguan City,
\r\nGuangdong China
\r\n(+86 0769)8553 3429
\r\n(+86 0769)8531 7199
\r\n(+86 0769)8553 6899
\r\n(+86 0769)8553 6999
\r\n\r\n 中國廣東省東莞市長安鎮
\r\n 錦廈河西工業區\r\n
\r\n+86 0769 8553 3429
\r\n+86 0769 8531 7199
\r\n+86 0769 8553 6899
\r\n+86 0769 8553 6999
\r\n888 Xinmao Road,
\r\nzhoushi Town,
\r\nKunshan City,
\r\nJiangsu China
\r\n(+86 0512) 5788 9999
\r\n(+86 0512) 5788 9889
\r\n\r\n Over time, Kenta has successfully apllied and been granted more\r\n than 75 Patents and lnnovations, including Stack Mold and Vaccuum\r\n Mold.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 截至2021年,我們共擁有了超過8項專利發明\r\n 和40項實用新型,包括疊模和真空模。\r\n
\r\n\r\n KENTA has established a conformal cooling channel design team for\r\n since 2013, a laser sintering metal 3D printer was invested in\r\n 2018 to produce conformal panel parts in house.The purpose is to\r\n shorten the cycle and improve quality problems such as shrinkage\r\n and deformation.\r\n
\r\n\r\n KENTA自2013\r\n 年起就建立了一個專業的隨型冷流道研發團隊,根據客戶需求獨立設計,並2018\r\n 年購入激光燒結金屬3D打印機自行制作隨型鑲件。目的為縮短週期、改善品質如縮水及變形等問題。\r\n
\r\n\r\n our design team develops tooling design using software such as\r\n Mold Flow, to create the most reliable and optimized tool our\r\n design team develops tooling designusing software such as Mold\r\n Flow, to createthe most reliable and optimized tool structure, we\r\n develop our tools in discussion with our clients for continuous\r\n improvement. A comprehensive Design FEMA report can be provided to\r\n our customer for idea exchange and approval purpose.Also, the\r\n Kenta design team can provide concepts such as stack molding for\r\n larger volume parts or conformal cooling channels for challenging\r\n design.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 健大的設計團隊使用模流分析,仿真模具和注塑成型流程並通過不斷的討論和改進,分析最切合及最優化的模具結構。同時,我們會為客戶提供全面的設計FEMA報告,從而達致全面的交流及審批。創新方面,健大的設計團隊能為客人處理具有挑戰性的設計。例如:就一些量大或復雜的部件或提供使用堆疊模具或随形冷却水道的建議等等。\r\n
\r\n \r\n\r\n Our highly-specialized tooling department is staffed by highly\r\n skilled and competent toolmakers. Kenta has invested heavily and\r\n equipped our facilities with world’s class processing machines\r\n (Roders、Agie etc); we have constant temperature workshop\r\n environment, which guarantees quality and repeatability for the\r\n manufacturing & research of complicated and high precision\r\n injection tooling. Kenta have systemic tool making planning and a\r\n separate dimension measuring center located in tool shop, Kenta\r\n provides competitive lead-times for quick turnaround projects.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 我們極專業的模具部門配備了高技術和素質的員工,為我們國內、外的模具客戶提供滿意的服務。\r\n 健大備有世界一流的加工機器(德國羅德斯,瑞士阿奇等等),恆溫控制車間,為複雜及高精度注塑模具製造和研究提供支持和保證。通過系統製定計劃和獨立尺寸測量中心,使健大為快速周轉的項目提供了競爭力的前置時間。\r\n
\r\n\r\n The recent trend in plastic production dictated by Industry 4.0\r\n demands is to acquire a great deal of data for manufacturing\r\n process control. Kenta has implemented a knowledge-based\r\n management system. Different systems of ERP, MES, PLM and WMS have\r\n been launched successively to promote digitalization. These allow\r\n us to fully understand the real time status at any stage through\r\n an engagement; we utilize the system to review past, current and\r\n predict future performance, which allows us to optimize each\r\n stage, guaranteeing repeatable, on time, best cost, quality\r\n products.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 工業4.0潮流席捲全世界,為了讓健大在此衝擊下維持競爭力,健大大力推廣智慧製造轉型。在業務持續增長的同時,健大實踐以知識為本的管理系統。在日常營運中注入數碼化的概念,有計劃的按「工業4.0」藍圖邁進。各ERP,MES,PLM,WMS不同系統先後上線。自動地執行生產管理及調度以獲得更詳細的生產狀態,從而能更準確地預測訂單完成時間。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Over time, Kenta has successfully apllied and been granted more\r\n than 75 Patents and lnnovations, including Stack Mold and Vaccuum\r\n Mold.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 截至2021年,我們共擁有了超過8項專利發明\r\n 和40項實用新型,包括疊模和真空模。\r\n
\r\n\r\n KENTA has established a conformal cooling channel design team for\r\n since 2013, a laser sintering metal 3D printer was invested in\r\n 2018 to produce conformal panel parts in house.The purpose is to\r\n shorten the cycle and improve quality problems such as shrinkage\r\n and deformation.\r\n
\r\n\r\n KENTA自2013\r\n 年起就建立了一個專業的隨型冷流道研發團隊,根據客戶需求獨立設計,並2018\r\n 年購入激光燒結金屬3D打印機自行制作隨型鑲件。目的為縮短週期、改善品質如縮水及變形等問題。\r\n
\r\n\r\n our design team develops tooling design using software such as\r\n Mold Flow, to create the most reliable and optimized tool our\r\n design team develops tooling designusing software such as Mold\r\n Flow, to createthe most reliable and optimized tool structure, we\r\n develop our tools in discussion with our clients for continuous\r\n improvement. A comprehensive Design FEMA report can be provided to\r\n our customer for idea exchange and approval purpose.Also, the\r\n Kenta design team can provide concepts such as stack molding for\r\n larger volume parts or conformal cooling channels for challenging\r\n design.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 健大的設計團隊使用模流分析,仿真模具和注塑成型流程並通過不斷的討論和改進,分析最切合及最優化的模具結構。同時,我們會為客戶提供全面的設計FEMA報告,從而達致全面的交流及審批。創新方面,健大的設計團隊能為客人處理具有挑戰性的設計。例如:就一些量大或復雜的部件或提供使用堆疊模具或随形冷却水道的建議等等。\r\n
\r\n\r\n Our highly-specialized tooling department is staffed by highly\r\n skilled and competent toolmakers. Kenta has invested heavily and\r\n equipped our facilities with world’s class processing machines\r\n (Roders、Agie etc); we have constant temperature workshop\r\n environment, which guarantees quality and repeatability for the\r\n manufacturing & research of complicated and high precision\r\n injection tooling. Kenta have systemic tool making planning and a\r\n separate dimension measuring center located in tool shop, Kenta\r\n provides competitive lead-times for quick turnaround projects.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 我們極專業的模具部門配備了高技術和素質的員工,為我們國內、外的模具客戶提供滿意的服務。\r\n 健大備有世界一流的加工機器(德國羅德斯,瑞士阿奇等等),恆溫控制車間,為複雜及高精度注塑模具製造和研究提供支持和保證。通過系統製定計劃和獨立尺寸測量中心,使健大為快速周轉的項目提供了競爭力的前置時間。\r\n
\r\n\r\n The recent trend in plastic production dictated by Industry 4.0\r\n demands is to acquire a great deal of data for manufacturing\r\n process control. Kenta has implemented a knowledge-based\r\n management system. Different systems of ERP, MES, PLM and WMS have\r\n been launched successively to promote digitalization. These allow\r\n us to fully understand the real time status at any stage through\r\n an engagement; we utilize the system to review past, current and\r\n predict future performance, which allows us to optimize each\r\n stage, guaranteeing repeatable, on time, best cost, quality\r\n products.\r\n
\r\n\r\n 工業4.0潮流席捲全世界,為了讓健大在此衝擊下維持競爭力,健大大力推廣智慧製造轉型。在業務持續增長的同時,健大實踐以知識為本的管理系統。在日常營運中注入數碼化的概念,有計劃的按「工業4.0」藍圖邁進。各ERP,MES,PLM,WMS不同系統先後上線。自動地執行生產管理及調度以獲得更詳細的生產狀態,從而能更準確地預測訂單完成時間。\r\n
\r\n\n Kenta Enterprise Ltd Co. was founded in Hong Kong.\n
\n\n 健大企業有限公司于於香港成立。\n
\n\n The first factory was established in Dong Guan, Guang Dong,\n targeting at the market in traditional transformers.\n
\n\n 新工廠於廣東東莞建立,專注於傳統變壓器市場。\n
\n\n Dong Guan factory was awarded ISO 9001 certificate & UL\n accreditation. The factory developed a new market in SMD\n transformers.\n
\n\n 東莞健大通過ISO 9001 & UL 認證。開發SMD類變壓器。\n
\n\n A new factory complex was established in Dong Guan. The\n factory developed a new market in automotive products and\n began to develop and manufacture igniters for Ford.\n
\n\n 東莞建立花園式新廠區。開發汽車零件類產品。\n
\n\n The company stepped into the market in network and connector\n products.\n
\n\n The company stepped into the market in network and connector\n products. The company started to build a new and larger\n factory complex in Kun Shan, Jiangsu.\n
\n\n 通過SONY GP and IOS 14000認證。\n 開始於江蘇昆山建立更大的花圜式新工廠\n
\n\n Kun Shan Factory was estab-lished to focus on developing and\n manufacturing automotive products.Dong Guan Factory obtained\n ISO TS16949 certification.\n
\n\n 昆山工廠成立專注於研發和生産汽事產品。東莞工廠通過 IOS TS16949\n 認證。\n
\n\n Kun Shan Factory obtained UL & ISO certifications. The factory\n developed a new market in network communications products.\n
\n\n 昆山工廠通過UL&ISO認證。開發網絡通訊類產品,\n
\n\n Kun Shan Factory was awarded ISO 14000 & TS 16949\n certifica-tions. Dong Guan Factory was qualified as a second\n tier supplier for Volkswagen and BMW.\n
\n\n 昆山工廠通過ISO 14000 & TS16949。\n 廣東東莞工廠獲得大眾(VM)和寶馬(BMW)的二級供應商資格。\n
\n\n Dong Guan Factory began to develop and manufacture electronic\n control systems and molds for Volkswagen.\n
\n\n 東莞工廠參與研發及生產大眾汽車(VM)之電子控制系統之產品和模具\n
\n\n The company started to develope low-voltage electrical\n products, and BMC products and molds.\n
\n\n 開發了低壓電器類產品並研發和生產BMC(團狀模塑料)類產品和模具\n
\n\n A professional automation R&D team was established. The team\n began to develop and manufacture automo-tive ignition switch\n molds, one-port molds, remote key molds, and etc. for\n SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile.\n
\n\n 建立起專業的自動化研發團隊。\n 開始為上汽通用五菱配套研發並生產汽車點火開關模組、一鍵啟動模組、遙控鑰匙模組。\n
\n\n Establish in House Stamping workshop in Kun Shan.\n
\n\n Stepped into medical Device Market.\n
\n\n 东莞厂成立 专注于传统骨架市场。\n
\n\n The first fully automated production line MP. Total solutions\n from injection molding to robotic assembl\n
\n\n 首条全自动生产线投入量产\n 提供从注塑到机器人组装的整体解决方案。\n
\n\n Xu Zhou factory was established, focus on thermoset injection\n Stepped into Electric Vehicle Market (EV) First Conformal\n cooling tooling built.\n
\n\n 徐州厂落成 专注于电木产品注塑 进军电动汽车市场 。\n
\nRenewed IATF 16949
\n更新 IATF16949认证。
\n\n Participate following Exhibitions:\n
\n K fair Dusseldorf 、 NEPCON Japan, 11th Automotive World Tokyo\n 、 IAA Cars Frankfurt 、 Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo\n Las Vegas\n
\n Benchmarking program held by WBA Germany Purchased a set of\n additive manufacturing equipment (metal Laser sintering\n machine in house).\n
\n 参加以下展览\n
\n K fair Dusseldorf 、 NEPCON Japan, 11th Automotive World Tokyo\n 、 IAA Cars Frankfurt 、 Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo\n Las Vegas\n
\n 参加德国亚琛工业大学模具学院之标干计划,提升模房智慧制能力\n 购置五金激光烧结3D打印机并自家制作随形冷流道镶件 。\n
\n Support Hong Kong Public Hospitals Vender to mass production\n eye shield as PPE during COVID19 pandemic in only 7days in\n February, Caring Certificate under FHKI CSR Recognition\n Scheme.\n
\n\n 在新冠大流行刚爆发期间,于2月份仅7天时间的批量生产防护眼罩以支持香港公立医院个人防护装备之供应,FHKICSR认可计划下的关爱证书\n 。\n
\n\n Founded in 1985 in Hong Kong, KENTA has now grown into a\n multi-national corporation specializing in the R&D, tooling\n fabrication, and production of components in precision injection\n molding.\n
\n\n 健大企業有限公司專業從事精密塑膠注塑産品的開發和製造,一九八五年於香港成立,下設東莞工廠和昆山工廠。公司在1998年到2005年期間先後通過了UL、ISO9001、ISO14001和TS16949認證,在2007年通過大眾、寶馬的二級供應商認證。\n
\n\n With multiple manufacturing sites in Mainland China, Kenta has\n achieved internationally recognized standards approvals, such as\n UL, ISO9001, ISO14001and IATF16949, as well as being fully\n certified as second tier supplier for global automotive\n corporations such as VW and BMW among many Kenta's philosophy is\n to provide precise, accurate and repeatable plastic injection\n products, through taking our customers through the entire product\n lifecycle; our focus on producing only the highest quality\n outcomes, enables our global customers to have the highest\n confidence in our ability to deliver.\n
\n\n 公司以「開拓創新、追求卓越、系統管理、客戶滿意」為經營理念,秉承「以人為本、團隊合作、社會責任、環保理念」的企業文化,精心打造創新型管理團隊和技術團隊,不斷引進高端技術和高精密設備,持續提升企業綜合實力,成長爲一家集「産品研發、模具設計與製造、精密注塑成型、汽配零部件製造」爲一體的高科技企業,業務遍及全世界。\n
\n\n To be our customers' most reliable and responsive supplier, to\n grow our business through technology and ingenuity, and to\n deliver leading-edge solutions with top quality while keeping\n integrity and ethics standards.\n
\n\n ● 成為客戶最可靠和反應最迅速的供應商
\n ● 通過技術和獨創性發展不同業務
\n ● 嚴緊保持誠信和道德標準同時
\n ● 提供卓越質量之全面解決方案\n
\n Be a century-long leading injection molding manufacturer that\n provides sense of happiness and pride to all shareholders.\n
\n\n ● 讓各持份者得到幸福感的百年領先模具注塑企業\n
\n\n Charitable donations have been made to the education sector in\n China, because we believe that every child should deserve an\n education regardless of their household living standard.More than\n 20 Hope Schools have already been built since 2007.Kenta is going\n to continuously donate to the Hope Project as a means of repaying\n the community.\n
\n\n 企業捐資助學是善舉。百年大計,教育為本,企業為教育奠基,\n 為貧困山區兒童捐資助學,支持祖國教育事業的發展,幫助更多貧困學童實現求學夢想,將讓企業更有價值。健大企業於2007年開始建設希望小學,至今已建設25多間希望小學及安老院。作為社會的“企業公民”,企業利益的提升和自身價值的提升息息相關,企業的社會價值又是企業文化和價值觀的直接體現形式之一,塑造企業的優秀價值觀已經越來越重要。其中“慈善文化”已經越來越受廣大優秀企業重視並作為其文化建設的重要組成部分。在國家宣導”共建和諧社會”之際,作為社會的“企業公民”,積極參與社會慈善,關注教育事業,為貧困山區捐資助學,全面提升企業的價值觀,讓企業和社會共同進步、共同和諧發展,對自身的可持續發展具有重要意義。\n
\n\n Global environmental protection is one of the main area Kenta\n concerned.To achieve the production and products are in\n environmental friendly, Kenta considers different aspects,like\n product's design, transportation, packaging and manufacturing.We\n advise our clients of the ideas, solutions and skills before\n starting the production lifecycle. In production, the reduction of\n waste and pollution, recycling and upcycling are controlled and\n supervised. Kenta strives to meet the requirement from customers,\n government, markets.\n
\n\n 爲了積極響應全球日前環境保護觀念,健大企業在自身經營決策上,不斷通過與自然和諧的技術及對環境的友好進行產品生產,在環境的保護上力爭符合客戶、政府、市場的要求,為實現良好的人文環境和可居住的社會而努力。\n
\n\n Kenta considers different aspects,like product's design,\n transportation, packaging and manufacturing.\n
\n\n 在設計、運輸、銷售和製造方面, 有效的利用能源、水和其他資源 , 聲場\n 對環境影響相對較小的產品\n
\n\n ln production, we insist on selecting tools, production processes,\n materials and production equipment that are less harmful to the\n environment.\n
\n\n 在生產中,堅持挑選對環境危害小的工具,生產工藝流程,材料及生產設備,不斷改進工藝流程減少排放物,在不降低產品質量的前提下,確保使用對環境影響較小的原材料。\n
\n\n lmprove the environmental awareness of all employees of the\n company\n
\n\n 持續通過良好的培訓體系,提升公司全體人員的環境意識,使每個員工能理解日常工作生活中\n 對環境問題的思考以及所需承擔的責任\n
\n\n Materials will be recycled as much as possible to reduce the\n amount of materials used, so as to reduce the amount of waste\n generated and reduce pollution.\n
\n\n 在對廢棄物的控制上,會將物料盡可能的進行循環利用,減少物料的使用量,以降低廢棄物的產生量和減少污染性。\n
\n\n Evaluate the status of the company and its compliance with\n environmental laws and regulations.\n
\n\n 不斷的對企業現狀與環境法律法規符合性 進行評估評價,以確保企業的生\n 產經營方針 與有關 法律法規符合,不斷進行改進。\n
\n\n Take effective actions to actively participate in the work of\n environmental protection.\n
\n\n 健大企業將徹底執行上述企業環保理念,並讓全體員工知悉理念並採取有\n 效行動,積極參與到環境保護的工作 中來。\n
\n\n Founded in 1985 in Hong Kong, KENTA has now grown into a\n multi-national corporation specializing in the R&D, tooling\n fabrication, and production of components in precision injection\n molding.\n
\n\n 健大企業有限公司專業從事精密塑膠注塑産品的開發和製造,一九八五年於香港成立,下設東莞工廠和昆山工廠。公司在1998年到2005年期間先後通過了UL、ISO9001、ISO14001和TS16949認證,在2007年通過大眾、寶馬的二級供應商認證。\n
\n\n With multiple manufacturing sites in Mainland China, Kenta has\n achieved internationally recognized standards approvals, such as UL,\n ISO9001, ISO14001and IATF16949, as well as being fully certified as\n second tier supplier for global automotive corporations such as VW\n and BMW among many Kenta's philosophy is to provide precise,\n accurate and repeatable plastic injection products, through taking\n our customers through the entire product lifecycle; our focus on\n producing only the highest quality outcomes, enables our global\n customers to have the highest confidence in our ability to deliver.\n
\n\n 公司以「開拓創新、追求卓越、系統管理、客戶滿意」為經營理念,秉承「以人為本、團隊合作、社會責任、環保理念」的企業文化,精心打造創新型管理團隊和技術團隊,不斷引進高端技術和高精密設備,持續提升企業綜合實力,成長爲一家集「産品研發、模具設計與製造、精密注塑成型、汽配零部件製造」爲一體的高科技企業,業務遍及全世界。\n
\n\n To be our customers' most reliable and responsive supplier, to\n grow our business through technology and ingenuity, and to\n deliver leading-edge solutions with top quality while keeping\n integrity and ethics standards.\n
\n\n ● 成為客戶最可靠和反應最迅速的供應商
\n ● 通過技術和獨創性發展不同業務
\n ● 嚴緊保持誠信和道德標準同時
\n ● 提供卓越質量之全面解決方案\n
\n Be a century-long leading injection molding manufacturer that\n provides sense of happiness and pride to all shareholders.\n
\n\n ● 讓各持份者得到幸福感的百年領先模具注塑企業\n
\n\n Charitable donations have been made to the education sector in\n China, because we believe that every child should deserve an\n education regardless of their household living standard.More than 20\n Hope Schools have already been built since 2007.Kenta is going to\n continuously donate to the Hope Project as a means of repaying the\n community.\n
\n\n 企業捐資助學是善舉。百年大計,教育為本,企業為教育奠基,\n 為貧困山區兒童捐資助學,支持祖國教育事業的發展,幫助更多貧困學童實現求學夢想,將讓企業更有價值。健大企業於2007年開始建設希望小學,至今已建設25多間希望小學及安老院。作為社會的“企業公民”,企業利益的提升和自身價值的提升息息相關,企業的社會價值又是企業文化和價值觀的直接體現形式之一,塑造企業的優秀價值觀已經越來越重要。其中“慈善文化”已經越來越受廣大優秀企業重視並作為其文化建設的重要組成部分。在國家宣導”共建和諧社會”之際,作為社會的“企業公民”,積極參與社會慈善,關注教育事業,為貧困山區捐資助學,全面提升企業的價值觀,讓企業和社會共同進步、共同和諧發展,對自身的可持續發展具有重要意義。\n
\n\n Global environmental protection is one of the main area Kenta\n concerned.To achieve the production and products are in\n environmental friendly, Kenta considers different aspects,like\n product's design, transportation, packaging and manufacturing.We\n advise our clients of the ideas, solutions and skills before\n starting the production lifecycle. In production, the reduction of\n waste and pollution, recycling and upcycling are controlled and\n supervised. Kenta strives to meet the requirement from customers,\n government, markets.\n
\n\n 爲了積極響應全球日前環境保護觀念,健大企業在自身經營決策上,不斷通過與自然和諧的技術及對環境的友好進行產品生產,在環境的保護上力爭符合客戶、政府、市場的要求,為實現良好的人文環境和可居住的社會而努力。\n
\n\n Kenta Enterprise Ltd Co. was founded in Hong Kong.\n
\n\n 健大企業有限公司于於香港成立。\n
\n\n The first factory was established in Dong Guan, Guang Dong,\n targeting at the market in traditional transformers.\n
\n\n 新工廠於廣東東莞建立,專注於傳統變壓器市場。\n
\n\n Dong Guan factory was awarded ISO 9001 certificate & UL\n accreditation. The factory developed a new market in SMD\n transformers.\n
\n\n 東莞健大通過ISO 9001 & UL 認證。開發SMD類變壓器。\n
\n\n A new factory complex was established in Dong Guan. The factory\n developed a new market in automotive products and began to\n develop and manufacture igniters for Ford.\n
\n\n 東莞建立花園式新廠區。開發汽車零件類產品。\n
\n\n The company stepped into the market in network and connector\n products.\n
\n\n The company stepped into the market in network and connector\n products. The company started to build a new and larger factory\n complex in Kun Shan, Jiangsu.\n
\n\n 通過SONY GP and IOS 14000認證。\n 開始於江蘇昆山建立更大的花圜式新工廠\n
\n\n Kun Shan Factory was estab-lished to focus on developing and\n manufacturing automotive products.Dong Guan Factory obtained ISO\n TS16949 certification.\n
\n\n 昆山工廠成立專注於研發和生産汽事產品。東莞工廠通過 IOS TS16949\n 認證。\n
\n\n \n \n\n Kun Shan Factory obtained UL & ISO certifications. The factory\n developed a new market in network communications products.\n
\n\n 昆山工廠通過UL&ISO認證。開發網絡通訊類產品,\n
\n\n Kun Shan Factory was awarded ISO 14000 & TS 16949\n certifica-tions. Dong Guan Factory was qualified as a second\n tier supplier for Volkswagen and BMW.\n
\n\n 昆山工廠通過ISO 14000 & TS16949。\n 廣東東莞工廠獲得大眾(VM)和寶馬(BMW)的二級供應商資格。\n
\n\n Dong Guan Factory began to develop and manufacture electronic\n control systems and molds for Volkswagen.\n
\n\n 東莞工廠參與研發及生產大眾汽車(VM)之電子控制系統之產品和模具\n
\n\n The company started to develope low-voltage electrical products,\n and BMC products and molds.\n
\n\n 開發了低壓電器類產品並研發和生產BMC(團狀模塑料)類產品和模具\n
\n\n A professional automation R&D team was established. The team\n began to develop and manufacture automo-tive ignition switch\n molds, one-port molds, remote key molds, and etc. for\n SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile.\n
\n\n 建立起專業的自動化研發團隊。\n 開始為上汽通用五菱配套研發並生產汽車點火開關模組、一鍵啟動模組、遙控鑰匙模組。\n
\n\n Establish in House Stamping workshop in Kun Shan.\n
\n\n Stepped into medical Device Market.\n
\n\n 东莞厂成立 专注于传统骨架市场。\n
\n\n The first fully automated production line MP. Total solutions\n from injection molding to robotic assembl\n
\n\n 首条全自动生产线投入量产 提供从注塑到机器人组装的整体解决方案。\n
\n\n Xu Zhou factory was established, focus on thermoset injection\n Stepped into Electric Vehicle Market (EV) First Conformal\n cooling tooling built.\n
\n\n 徐州厂落成 专注于电木产品注塑 进军电动汽车市场 。\n
\nRenewed IATF 16949
\n更新 IATF16949认证。
\n\n Participate following Exhibitions:\n
\n K fair Dusseldorf 、 NEPCON Japan, 11th Automotive World Tokyo\n 、 IAA Cars Frankfurt 、 Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo\n Las Vegas\n
\n Benchmarking program held by WBA Germany Purchased a set of\n additive manufacturing equipment (metal Laser sintering machine\n in house).\n
\n 参加以下展览\n
\n K fair Dusseldorf 、 NEPCON Japan, 11th Automotive World Tokyo\n 、 IAA Cars Frankfurt 、 Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo\n Las Vegas\n
\n 参加德国亚琛工业大学模具学院之标干计划,提升模房智慧制能力\n 购置五金激光烧结3D打印机并自家制作随形冷流道镶件 。\n
\n Support Hong Kong Public Hospitals Vender to mass production eye\n shield as PPE during COVID19 pandemic in only 7days in February,\n Caring Certificate under FHKI CSR Recognition Scheme.\n
\n\n 在新冠大流行刚爆发期间,于2月份仅7天时间的批量生产防护眼罩以支持香港公立医院个人防护装备之供应,FHKICSR认可计划下的关爱证书\n 。\n
\n\n Kenta considers different
\n aspects,like product's design,
\n transportation, packaging and
\n manufacturing.\n
\n 在設計、運輸、銷售和製造方面, 有
\n 效的利用能源、 水和其他資源 , 聲場
\n 對環境影響相對較小的產品\n
\n ln production, we insist on
\n selecting tools, production
\n processes, materials and
\n production equipment that are
\n less harmful to the environment.\n
\n 在生產中,堅持挑選對環境危害小的
\n 工具, 生產工藝流程,材料及生產設
\n 備, 不斷改進工藝流程減少排放物,
\n 在不降低產品質量的前提下, 確保使
\n 用對環境影響較小的原材料。\n
\n lmprove the environmental
\n awareness of all employees of
\n the company\n
\n 持續通過良好的培訓體系,提升公司
\n 全體人員的環境意識, 使每個員工能
\n 理解日常工作生活中 對環境問題的思
\n 考以及所需承擔的責任\n
\n Materials will be recycled as much as possible to reduce the\n amount of materials used, so as to reduce the amount of waste\n generated and reduce pollution.\n
\n\n 在對廢棄物的控制上,會將物料盡可
\n 能的進行循環利用,減少物料的使用
\n 量,以降低廢棄物的產生量和減少污
\n 染性。\n
\n Evaluate the status of the
\n company and its compliance with
\n environmental laws and
\n regulations\n
\n 不斷的對企業現狀與環境法律法規符
\n 合性 進行評估評價,以確保企業的生
\n 產經營方針 與有關 法律法規符合,不
\n 斷進行改進。\n
\n Take effective actions to actively
\n participate in the work of
\n environmental protection.\n
\n 健大企業將徹底執行上述企業環保理
\n 念,並讓全體員工知悉理念並採取有
\n 效行動,積極參與到環境保護的工作
\n 中來。\n